viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

II European Conference, "Strategies for the Development of the European Digital Space" at European Parliament. Brussels.


29th of September 2010
Altiero Spinelli Building, A3H-1, rue Wiertz. Brussels
15:30 to19:00

The European Parliament & ARTECHMEDIA in collaboration with MEP Ramón Jáuregui, are pleased to invite you to the II European Conference“Strategies for the Development of European Digital Space” that will be held at the European Parliament at 29th of September (time meeting: 15:30 h to 19:00h at Altiero Spinelli Building, A3H-1, rue Wiertz. Brussels).

Two venues before during 2010. One 10th june at Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao and 16th june at European Commission, Representation at Spain, in Madrid.

The Conference will aim to drive the alliance between Art, Science, Innovation, Technology, Enterprise, Institutions and Society so that they can jointly contribute to the creation and development of the Knowledge Society within the EU, culturally diverse and a model for the promotion of ideas such as gender equality, integration, unity, innovation, competitiveness, education, civic participation, climate change, sustainable development...


DEBATE and propose “Strategies for the Development of the European Digital Space” among sectors related to creativity, innovation and digital culture.

- European Institute Digital Culture
- European Global Network Art, Science, Innovation, Technology, Entrerprise...
- Experimental Technology Centres
- Digital City and “Smart Cities”. European Public Screens

CONSOLIDATE a specific space for reflection and collaboration at a European level for the dissemination of Innovation and Digital Culture.

PROMOTE the development of cultural, scientific and technology innovation infrastructures and the training of the general public in areas of creativity and science.

DRIVE cultural, social and innovation cooperation within the EU and the alliance between Art, Science, Technology, Business, Institutions and Society for the development and consolidation of what has come to be known as the “economy of knowledge”.

COLLABORATE with universities, research and development centres, creators, technology innovation corporations, institutions...

COORDINATION of cultural, scientific and innovative policies within the EU.

A number of the most important Spanish institutions and corporations are sponsoring and collaborating with the event, including: the Ministery of Culture, Goverment of Spain the Secretary of State for the European Union Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology FECYT from the Ministery for Science and Innovation.Goverment of Spain Basque Government Innobasque, the Basque Innovation Agency Lan Ekintza. Bilbao City Council the Euskaltel Foundation Tecnalia Technological Corporation European University of Madrid EFE Foundation Representation European Commission in Spain Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao European Parliament ... Special thanks to Ramón Jáuregui MEP.
Registration is free:

Kind regards,

Montse Arbelo y Joseba Franco. Conference directors
Organization by: